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Week-Long Social Media Cleanse

Writer: Picky BitchPicky Bitch

Why you should do it and do it now.

Let me make something veryyy clear. Embarking on a week-long hiatus from social media was not my idea. It was an assignment presented to me in my Mass Media and Society class. YIKESSSSS.

While I knew fo’ sho’ that most people in my lecture were going to lie, and not even attempt to go without their media worlds for a week… I wanted to at least see if I could try.

...And to be honest… it was awesome. I know what you’re thinking- ughhhhh, yeah okay.

But seriously- it taught me way more about myself and more importantly helped me to foster relationships with my loved ones around me. Whenever I caught myself picking up my cell phone, I asked myself why? Most the time I was just bored. This gave me the opportunity to find something else that was productive with my spare time. I found out I love to paint and surprisingly watch T.V. Growing up, I was never a huge T.V. watcher, so it was nice to explore this side of me and see what types of shows I love to indulge myself in. Of course, I had to bring some snacks too.

While I loved hanging out with me, myself and I, I also realized I wasn’t fostering some relationships like I thought I was. Since social media was off the table, I rekindled some old friendships from high school via texts or FaceTime. As for my personal relationships, I felt more focused on the people in front of me. There was absolutely no distractions while my boyfriend was trying to vent about work, or my mom telling me about her day. It was nice and I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. For the first time in a long time, I had no one to check up on. (Which is super funny because most of the time on social media, I don’t even care what people are doing. I’m. Just. Bored.)

It also lifted my confidence because it made me focus on well, me. For a week, I never subconsciously compared myself to anyone or got envious of an experience someone else was having. I was more aware of my own thoughts.

However when I ventured out of my head and into the real world, it made me realized how stuck everyone is to their phone. I walked into my morning lecture and instantly wanted to do some mindless scrolling, but I resisted. I looked around to see if I could make some friends or meet anyone new. YEAH- I thought wrong, hunny! Everyone, and I mean everyone was on their phone. Think about all the conversations and all the new chances to make a friend that we’ve missed all because of that little device we can't seem to get rid of.

So, what’s my secret?

Secret is: I kept myself busy. As soon as I got that gut feeling like I was having some #FOMO or boredom… I would find something to do or someone to talk to. Pretty soon, it was easy and by the end of the week I didn’t even want my social media back.

As we navigate this world pandemic and the crazy feelings we are manifesting, I don’t think there’s a better time to try the week-long social media cleanse challenge than now. While it'll be hard to find things to do when you're bored, I promise you'll feel 100X more productive and happier at the end of the day.

Plus, let’s be real. Everyone is at home doing nothing, so you have nothing to check on anyways. ;) Be safe.



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